How to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach
How to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach

This is the meaning of Paul’s comments in I Corinthians 2:10-16, and in another place, Paul sarcastically asked the Corinthians if the Word of God originated from them (I Corinthians 14:36).

how to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach

Unless the Holy Spirit imparts the revelation or understanding, it is nothing but a dead letter. Second, it is not enough to believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures apart from Holy Spirit revelation. Peter said the Word of God is not the private interpretation of man, meaning that the Word of God did not originate from man no matter how great an intellect he may be (II Peter 1:20-21). This is always the order of interpretation. That is called “inspiration.” Notice that it came from God to man, not from man to man. The Word of God was given to men by God to write it down in “books”. Moreover, hermeneutics that does not depend upon the Holy Spirit for revelation is nothing but man’s opinion. Men of great intellect and scholarschip write and teach on many subjects about the Bible, but that does not mean it is the revelation of the Word.Ĭommentaries abound on what men believe the Bible says, yet when compared to the literal grammatical interpretation fail the test of proper hermeneutics (interpretation). Scholarship is not Holy Spirit revelation.

how to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach how to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach

The Holy Spirit alone gives the revelation (the spiritual understanding) of the Word of God. Much of what is preached and taught in today’s Churches is nothing more than the letter of the Word and not the Spirit. Before I share with you my understanding of the end generation, I need to explain something that few understand in the body of Christ, even among the Charismatics who emphasize “the spirituals” – the gifts of the Spirit.

How to see the eclipse 2017 time long beach